[Chat] [Fwd: [AIA Members] Abell Avenue RECENT LARCENYs]

Stephen J Gewirtz gewirtz at bellatlantic.net
Sun Nov 20 21:20:54 EST 2005

I have no idea if the young criminal will be off the street for any 
length of time (I suspect not), but at least one criminal has been 
caught and one of the items stolen has been recovered.  Will there be a 
plea bargain to get info to get the rest of the items back, or will the 
criminal simply walk?


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[AIA Members] Abell Avenue RECENT LARCENYs
Date: 	Thu, 10 Nov 2005 11:15:57 -0500
From: 	rObERt mcCLinToCK <robert at robertmcclintock.com>
To: 	<Members at abellimprovement.org>

Just wanted to let people know that THIEVES stole from my backyard:

2 new Cannondale Mt Bikes that were KRYPTON Locked together...$1200

1 Handtruck $300

1 Werner Folding Ladder $250 locked to a wall

Total $1750

They climbed over our 6 ft fence...very motivated individuals

Police were called and took the report...big deal small time call

After the call we were driving to Blockbuster on 32nd St and a young 
teenage Black male was pulling a very nice WHEELIE through the 
intersection on my wife's brand new Cannondale Mt Bike...I called 911 
and chased the kid down and he was arrested...got the bike back after 
verifying serial number

I will be prosecuting.

HEADS UP out there FOLKS!!

Robert McClintock
3225 abell

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