[Chat] "The Wire" DVD to loan; sweet potato greens

Emil Volcheck volcheck at acm.org
Sun Sep 18 15:31:38 EDT 2005

Would anyone like to borrow DVDs of HBO's "The Wire"?

I have seasons 1 and 2.

Just to follow up on my previous posting about sweet
potato greens, Joan from One Straw Farm sold 4 cases
of sweet potato greens at the Farmer's Market yesterday.
(gross = 4 * 24 * $2, so just under $200.)
She says people have tried it and come back for more.
All this in under a month!

I am simply amazed that Kathleen and I could bring
something as simple as this back from China and
have it catch on like this.


Emil Volcheck
volcheck at acm.org

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