[Chat] [CVCBDQuad4] trash

Stephen J Gewirtz gewirtz at bellatlantic.net
Sat Mar 21 08:31:07 EDT 2009


Let me answer your questions in the order you asked them:

According to the City web site, 
http://www.baltimorecity.gov/government/dpw/recycle/bins.php , a limited 
number of lids for the yellow recycling cans are available at 111 Kane 
St. (across from Patterson High School) Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 
2 p.m. for $3 each.  I have not been there yet to get lids, but it seems 
to me that if I am going to keep a recycling can behind my  house to 
hold recycling between pickups as I would like to do, then I ought to 
have a lid on the can.  Yesterday, I asked David Hill about having CVCBD 
buy lids to resell at cost, and he said that he would look into it.  
Previously, he had told me that CVCBD would get lids when they became 
available.  I may go to Kane St. next week to try to get lids for my 2 
cans.  But the City does not require lids on the recycling cans, and 
there are no lids for the bins.  Some people have drilled holes in the 
bottom of the cans (the bins have holes already) in order to let water 
drain out of the cans when it rains.

It is unfortunate that the yellow recycling cans are an odd size for 
which lids are not available at hardware stores.  But if, as I expect, 
the City goes to its planned one plus one trash removal system on July 1 
(one pickup each week of mixed refuse from a 65 gallon trash can to be 
provided to each household by the City, and one recycling pickup each 
week, with a sizable cost saving for the City), then one can also label 
the old plastic trash cans as recycling (the City has bumper stickers 
available that you can put on the cans to so label them), and those cans 
hopefully have lids.

The City most emphatically does not want you to use plastic bags for 
recycling.  They say that plastic bags should be recycled at the stores 
that take them for recycling.  Also, I find that I need plastic bags for 
cat poop, and you probably need them for your dog's poop.

Electronic stuff (that actually contains a lot of toxic substances) can 
be dropped off at the Sisson Street transfer station (on the west side 
of Sisson between 28th and 29th Streets, basically at the bottom of the 
hill before you get to the JFX) any time that that transfer station is 
open.  Generally, that means Monday through Saturday, and you can look 
online on the City web site for the hours (summer and winter hours are 
not the same).  Regular trash and recycling can also be dropped off 
there.  About once every 6 months, you can drop other hazardous waste 
off at  Poly.


Christine Gray wrote:
> Would someone clarify the trash/recycling pickup.
> I finally bought both a yellow trash container and a yellow recycling bin.
> I thought trashcans had to have lids/covers, yet the one I bought and 
> the ones I've seen do not have covers.  What does "one" do?
> Also, are the items that are in the yellow recycling bins in plastic 
> bags or not
> Finally, does Poly still have a drop-off place for recycling old 
> televisions and computer items?
> Thank you,
> Christine Gray  
> __._,_.___
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